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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Open for Comment
Categories Clinical History
Created by sara downing
Created on Mar 21, 2023

Clinical History Filters

  1. Add a date range to clinical history, not just the start date. Often we want to see all records for a particular visit, not the subsequent visits afterwards intermixed.

  2. Add in an account number search or filter to clinical history. When the date selected has numerous visits afterwards intermixed, account number filter would limit to the particular visit being reviewed by suppressing the other visits.

  3. Add option to filter which nursing documents are present, normally we only want to see the patient progress notes and EMAR or medication report. The other ones are taking up space and get in the way when reviewing the records and many are blank.

  • Attach files
  • Sara Kress
    Jan 16, 2024
    1. Date ranges so that we can choose a 6 month or 2 year period of time would be helpful.

    2. We now have checkbox for This Encounter which is extremely helpful. But occasionally the account has gone to History, so it would still be nice to have the option.

    3. Yes, PPN are most common, so it would be nice to filter other Nursing canned reports out. It's also difficult to find scans and documents that are included in Nursing with all of the reports already there.

  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2024

    Provide the name of the MD or person responsible for the files. (AHMC ranked item #14/ situation #9914743)