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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
167 VOTE
Status Future Development
Categories Notes Registration
Created by Sabrina Wiles
Created on Mar 22, 2023

Make the Notes application communicate with the ER Log so that Providers can just document times that flow to the ER Log

Make a Notes filter for Seen By Provider time, decision to admit or obs times, time of disposition ect. in Notes application and make it automatically send those times to the ER Log. Also make an alert appear if the seen by provider time entered is prior to the arrival time on the admission. Make Notes filters so that some fields can be set as required not just flagged where the flag can be deleted by the user.

    May 31, 2024

    The development team is reviewing this further based on the comments made here and the comments received at our National Client Conference.

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  • Sabrina Wiles
    Nov 13, 2024

    Please make this a top priority. The ED Provider Times report urgently needs this enhancement to make it accurate and usable for our mandatory reporting metrics. It is unacceptable that we’re dedicating staff resources to manually retrieve data that this report is designed to capture, simply because the notes application does not communicate with it. This filter is desperately needed. The report should seamlessly pull the disposition time, decision-to-admit time, and seen-by-provider time directly into the ER log.

    I've been working tirelessly to train providers to manually input these times into the ER log, but this is an enormous challenge with contracted provider groups of 20 to 30 people rotating through our ED. In today’s world of advanced technology and AI, accurate and dynamic tracking of these times should be a baseline standard. Please address this critical need so we can generate reports with complete, valuable data and focus our resources on improving care, not data entry.

  • Mark Boomhower
    May 6, 2024

    This has been a sore spot for a long time now and it absolutely needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Facilities need to easily produce this information when auditors ask for it. Information such as reportable times needs to seamlessly flow from documentation to the ER Log and other applicable locations in the system.

    3 replies
  • Guest
    Mar 14, 2024

    Dear Trubridge,

    Are you actively engaging with these comments? Could we possibly receive a more comprehensive update on the status of these ideas? We're eagerly awaiting to see the direction you take with them. Despite hearing that Dream Factory is the optimal platform for our ideas, it appears that even some of the most well-received suggestions are not gaining traction. Several highly popular concepts have been languishing on Dream Factory for over a year without significant progress being evident to your customers. This stagnation is eroding our confidence and belief that our opinions and ideas hold weight.

    3 replies
  • Linda Pfeifle
    Jan 24, 2024

    There needs to be a way that all this information can flow between ER log, notes, and registration so the double documentation is eliminated.

    1 reply
  • Arthur Dimpas
    Aug 14, 2023

    Thanks for this request. We are having issue with our ED throughput since MDs are entering times in Notes but that doesn't flow to the log. It is done manually by our UC or a nurse, and if there is no one to enter the times, the log is not correct. We have a nursing order as a workaround also to capture the D/T, however, this is double documentation for MDs... sometimes, the time is not the same, sometimes MDs forgot to order. This is also a quality measure for the hospital, but the log has less value if the data are not correct.

  • Vicky Rasberry
    Jul 5, 2023

    It would also be beneficial to add an option of the ER discharge time that could pull from a note as well. Our nurses document this time on their Note now but then the clerk has to gather that information and add to the ER Log.

  • Sabrina Wiles
    Apr 5, 2023

    Theresa Hatin makes a good point and that was my intention with this request that there could be a security (behavior control) that would allow only someone like the system admin or Notes admin to be able to add any 'required' sections, and the filter to be such that it could be added to a specific Template or not based on the needs and requirements of said template.

  • Theresa Hatin
    Mar 27, 2023

    Please make this filter a security driven process, as we use TSystem in our ED, and they sometimes enter Admit a few minutes after patient arrives in ED. We wish to avoid confusion with information going to the ER LOG as this information is a quality measure for Hospital, in event we move away from TSystem, and we do have ED providers that admit and use NOTES for their admit note ED.


    Theresa Hatin, MS RN Clinical Applications

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