Scheduling application needs to have a provider option instead of just a location option. Also, the providers needs to have an option to put in work hours instead of just applying blocks for time not in the clinic. We have employees that work staggered schedules in the outpatient clinic, so we have to do blocks when they are not working. Lastly, the providers/locations need an option to customize the order listed other that having to rebuild.
100% agree. You should be able to set up the schedule with a location OR a provider list. Applying blocks is exhausting and time consuming- rarely working correctly. We also work a staggered schedule which makes it difficult for closed times/blocking. The time schedule should have a lunch time option built in. Ridiculous to require manual blocking for each person for lunch. Scheduling is entirely too time consuming. If you chose to schedule off of the schedule you must search the entire hospital system, know how to spell first and last name and (usually age for multiple name listings), link the PT account number and hit update. We typically schedule 4 weeks out on the initial evaluation. You can see how exhausting this is. The recurring option isn't always a good choice due to being booked out for several week, thus having to hunt for an available appointment time. The other option to schedule is to choose add appointment. This would be great if it didn't default to the wrong person and wrong week each time you added an appointment. Lastly, I would be really nice if it would automatically go to the current day when opened, not a random day.