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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Heather Delusa
Created on Mar 28, 2023

Ability to verify pharmacy orders via TWC on Apple Devices

I use Thrive Web Client on my iPad when rounding with our physicians and I use a MacBook at home when I am on call to monitor patients and verify orders remotely. I am currently only able to access the patient chart side of the EHR through Thrive Web Client on my iPad and it would be helpful to be able to verify the orders I put in while rounding in real-time. Currently, the System Menu in TWC does not work, as OS & iOS operating systems are not able to run the Thrive Helper file to support the System Menu. I am able to verify orders on my MacBook and iPad by logging into a remote desktop via Citrix, but it is cumbersome to have to pull up and log into another application to do this. Also, any navigation away from TWC logs you out, which is extremely frustrating.

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