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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Unlikely to Implement
Created by Nikki Csiki
Created on Apr 3, 2023

Please find a way to eliminate the "protocol handler" pop-up and all end-user steps from Web Client

If providers want to edit transcriptions from Web Client, they must have first have authorized the "protocol handler" from the pop-up. To even get this pop-up, security to access TUX System Menu from TWC must be added to the role/UBL. Furthermore, Evident advised that, "this will need to done per applicable network user and per device...if using thin clients or vmware...that erases the session information after the user has logged out, so these steps will need to be performed each time the user logs in". This is not user-friendly functionality and is hugely displeasing to providers. Additionally, the advised workaround is to revert to TUX, which we are told we must move away from and we have worked hard to convince providers to switch to TWC. A solution that removes all of these steps for the end user is needed.

    Dec 5, 2023

    We have looked into making the protocol handler silent, but it is not possible due to security with Google. It has to be accepted to be run the first time.

    It should not reset as long as the session settings are being saved when using virtual clients, which possible. This is also handled on by settings within the virtual client.

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