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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Already Exists
Categories Patient Scheduling
Created by Kylie Ritter
Created on Apr 10, 2023

EWS: Notification for scheduling conflict within one patient

If one department is scheduling a CT Scan and the patient doesn't remember they have PT at that time; Radiology would get a notification that the patient has an appointment at that time without going into each departments separate schedule.

    Dec 5, 2023

    This functionality already exists. The scheduler will get a notification the patient is already scheduled for this date and time but allows you to continue based on behavior controls for overrides/overbooks.

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  • Karen Norwood
    Dec 4, 2023

    This functionality already exists. The scheduler will get a notification the patient is already scheduled for this date and time but allows you to continue based on behavior controls for overrides/overbooks.