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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Notes
Created by Linda Pfeifle
Created on Apr 13, 2023

Spell Check in Notes needs to be more like Microsoft Word so it auto corrects.

There are always so many common misspelled words such as teh or pateint that are misspelled. They don't always use spell check either because they don't think of it or because they are so used to using Microsoft Word which auto corrects. It would be nice if they would auto correct since of having to take the extra step and click the spell check and click change all. Even if we would have to manually say that the first time and then from that point on they would be changed would be a huge deal for the providers.

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  • Kristell Stegman
    Oct 10, 2023

    Spell check in all areas would be beneficial. It worked in Thrive UX Documentation app but is not working in TWC Documentation app.