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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Registration
Created by Linda Pfeifle
Created on Apr 25, 2023

Required Fields in Registration.

There needs to be a way for the registration fields to be marked by color to draw attention to required fields in the registration profile along with the visit registration screens. If the required fields were a different color to draw attention and if you got to the end of registration that it would stop you and take you to any required fields that were missed would be a huge help for registration staff.

  • Attach files
  • Linda Pfeifle
    Dec 13, 2023

    The required fields need to be in red so you notice what is actually required.

  • Clarissa Calhoun
    Jul 12, 2023

    Yes. It would be good to have the fields highlighted in RED on the front end as soon as the users entered into the screens for profile, account, or temp reg takes the guess work on what is actually required.