As discussed in the Medication Safety class at conference with Michelle Mason. It is not self directing, nor does it look well when being surveyed to say "GIVEN" for an IVF. It should say Infusion Started, then this could create a task or a color on the MAR to stop the fluid, and this would be more self-directing to users to know it needs "Infusion Completed" Also this stops surveyors from thinking you have "GIVEN" an entire insulin drip in a second.
Yes!! Yes!! Please clarity the language!
This is currently being reviewed to bring into development for projected release in 21.08 wtih the note that until it is actively being worked, the roadmap is subject to change. I will update this idea once we have this scheduled into an active sprint.
I also think it would be beneficial to change the "stop infusion" to a "pause" or "hold". My nursing staff inadvertently choose the "stop infusion" instead of the "infusion comp" which doesn't pull to the report.
Hey, Christi. We are discussing this as part of a greater IV improvement project and have seen movement. Let me see if we can update the status.
What additional information is needed for this request to move into review by CPSI administrative team?
This absolutely needs to be changed. It is when an infusion is started not given. We also need a reminder to enter the infusion completely date/time - possibly in the tracking board, order chronology, and/or the MAR.
The word "given" is open to interpretation and as an old school nurse to me this signals and beginning and end all together. Where as with IV fluids/infusions/drips there always needs to be a start and stop. "Given" should only be an option for a SubQ, PO, IM or IV route of administration.
As a floor nurse, I can 100% tell you that most nurses will not go back to say "infusion completed" with the amount of other nursing tasks. However, they might when they finally sit down to chart; granted only if they remember what time they stopped the pump.
Yes please change it!!!
I was reviewing ideas to find one around stopping IV meds/fluids; so want to comment on that part of this idea - that a stop time reminder would be beneficial (i.e. Antibiotic infuses over 45 min, send alert/change color on emar etc that the med should be done).