All regulatory bodies require that prn medication orders have parameters and or indications. There needs to be a field and process to allow this so that an order that is PRN can not be placed or verified without an indication/reason.
A PRN order without an indication is an ambiguity in the order and could be a critical point for error. Please place this functionality on your priority list.
Ability to require Indication of Use required for all PRN frequencies
Since a prn indication of use is required for all orders that have a prn frequency, we need the ability to set indication required for meds with all of those frequencies. We could still set the possible indications on the medication itself, but on...
This is now available in 21.05
A PRN order without an indication is an ambiguity in the order and could be a critical point for error. Please place this functionality on your priority list.
This is so needed. We are constantly reminding our physicians to add a PRN reason.