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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Open for Comment
Categories Order Management
Created by Lori Luciano
Created on May 18, 2022

Order chronology

ability to perform or complete multiple nursing orders with one click.

Addendum from Lori via e-mail:

Just like a nurse can highlight the different orders by using shift or control to send for discontinue, have the options like you do under actions (see below) along the top, so a nurse could complete many orders at the same time instead of having to go into each individually.

Action Date: Current Date Current Time

0 Performed 0 Completed 0 Patient Refused 0 Other: ______________

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  • sara downing
    Dec 28, 2022

    Yes. Selecting the back arrow after each performed/completed/refused selection is a huge waste of time. Also, if you chose the other option and key in noted, it would select noted for the entire selection.