Currently the system allows only one diet item to have percent consumed button for example: deactivates the percent consumed button on the diet order when a diet supplement is ordered and places it on the supplement. This is a concern related to patient safety because this has caused the system to deactivate the button on the Diet Order placing it on the new Diet supplement. It is important to be able to document %consumed on both the Diet Order and any supplements that are ordered especially in cases of Failure to thrive patients, patients with wounds, and patients on strict I&O or calorie counts.
Enhancement request: TIF-1701
sit: 9700965
Hi Sabrina, this feature is currently in the research and design phase. We are currently vetting the request and carefully going through the application ensuring we are implementing all the necessary changes to the user interface, reports, etc. as needed. While I don't have a specific development timeline at the moment, we are making progress and will be able to provide an update soon. If you have additional questions please reach out to me at
Can I get an update on the development timeline for this to be implemented?
Additionally it would be an improvement to have the option to include a volume amount when documenting on a supplement or if the patient is on a liquid diet in the percent consumed button area. Having the fluid intake function tied to the percent consumed area or vice versa would allow all the I & O information to be entered in one place this would be even better if the I&O console card had an entry button to address all Liquid intake, Meal percentage, and output for the patient.