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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Categories Ancillary HomeScreen
Created by Nikki Csiki
Created on May 15, 2023

Need an interactive task list in Tasks for ancillary departments

It would be amazing to have a dynamic task list in Tasks (TWC) for users like PT, OT, ST, respiratory, and so on to manage tasks/consults/screenings.

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  • Beth Adams
    Dec 5, 2023

    Hi, @Guest. I wanted to get some more information from you on this one. When you say a dynamic task list, are you referring to something similar to a schedule where the user could assign patients/exams to themselves, or complete/charge for tests from one list etc? I wanted to make sure we are talking about orders here and wanted to see how you envisioned this looking and functioning. Thank you.