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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Sarah Jimenez
Created on May 16, 2023

The ability to remove a pharmacy from the dropdown list when sending prescriptions in the pharmacy field.

Currently there is not a way to remove a pharmacy from the drop down list when sending a prescription. It saves the last five pharmacies that a provider has used but there is no way to remove any of those five. One of our providers stated there has been many times he has selected the wrong pharmacy due to not being able to modify the drop down. I know we now have the ability to enter the pharmacy of choice on the top but many patient's use multiple pharmacies for different medications. This has been a request from our providers for years now. If a patient no longer wants to use that pharmacy why can't the provider modify and remove that pharmacy.

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Get rid of list of last used pharmacies in dropdown

you should have the ability to remove a pharmacey from the drop down in prescription entry
Brittany Salazar over 1 year ago in Medication Management 1 Product Owner Review