Once you have opened the patient from the whiteboard there is no way to see what room they are in from that patient banner. See attached file for example.
Another option besides the patient banner, would be to have the patient room number show up with the patient name on the Charts Whiteboard List on the tab. Would make rounding easier when charts are open and lined up top to know which room you are going to next.
In Thrive Web Client, go to the top-right corner, select the down arrow to expand the banner, and this should display the room number as well as additional patient information. With 21.04.00, we changed functionality, based on user feedback, to always have the banner expanded so that this information will always display.
This is part of the new Patient ID Panel in 21.05.00.
Hi there, if you are seeing this issue in Web Client it may be because your demographics banner is collapsed. In the top-right corner, select the down arrow to expand the banner and this should display the room number and additional patient information. With 21.04.00, we made a change based on user feedback to always have the banner expanded so that this information will always display. If you have any questions or further issues please contact Evident support by entering a situation in myCPSI (www.mycpsi.com) or calling Evident support at 1-800-711-2774 and we will be happy to assist!
Ours shows up. I wonder if it is a security or maybe a setup issue.