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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Ancillary
Created by Mark Boomhower
Created on Jun 1, 2023


Currently when a Pathology is resulted there's no alert for home screen folders that indicate a result is available. The only notification seen in the Lab folder says "New Lab Results to Review"; which is essentially useless since that's ALL that appears when the task Summarized Lab Results is used. A provider needs to KNOW the acct number, when it's selected from the Lab Folder, the Lab Results tab opens, but as a scanned image, the report isn't available in lab results. Providers need to select "Open Chart", then either select "Alerts" Find the scanned image title and select it to open the report and finally Acknowledge it.

To Summarize:

Step 1: Provider needs acct #

Step 2: Select acct from lab folder

Step 3: Open chart from Results summary Screen

Step 4: Select Alerts from App Menu in patient chart

Step 5: Select Pathology from Alert screen

Step 6: With report open, Select Acknowledge

Providers absolutely HATE this process. They should be able to receive alerts on their home screen that open directly to Pathology reports and any other diagnostic test/exam they need to address.

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