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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Yvette Condon
Created on Jun 8, 2023

Referral/Transition of Care Revamp

I would like to see the following components/capabilities added to the Referral/Transition of Care so functionality can be increased allowing it to be utilized in other areas that do not require a CCDA.

  1. Add a field for diagnosis....preferably one that can pull from the problem list.

  2. Add Faxing, Mailing, and Printing of the information entered into R/TOC.

  3. Allow the R/TOC to flow to Notes through a filter.

For example, one area I see this most useful is within value based and care coordination programs. We are part of multiple value based and care coordination programs, some of the programs provide supportive staff such as Community Health Workers. Currently we are sending emails or communications to these CHW's when a referral is needed and then documenting in R/TOC. With these additional components we could streamline this referral process for our providers/clinical staff.

Another area that we utilize the R/TOC outside of its original intent is ancillary procedures. If we have a patient receiving a radiology study or lab work outside of our facility, we add it to R/TOC so we can track. It would be great if we could quickly add the DX and then send it on from the R/TOC screen.

Tracking specialty providers, and ensuring providers are documenting the relationship within their notes is an important piece to capturing 340B referral claims. Many payers are also requesting this information for annual wellness visits so it just makes sense to have a filter within Notes for this.

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  • Sally Lutes
    Feb 18, 2025

    The DX in the referral can be similar to Order Reason in Prescription Entry or Order Entry. We should be able to choose a DX from the Problem List as an Order Reason.

  • Linda Pfeifle
    Dec 6, 2024

    Referral/Transition of Care should also include the following items.

    1. The referring provider should automatically populate an NPI number and signature as a lot of places won't even accept a referral without that. Right now we are adding an extra note with that information.

    2. It would also be nice to add the dx as described above.

    3. It also should come back into notes as described above after it has been faxed and has the confirmation included.

    4. Our staff also include on a separate note whether the referral is for diagnosis or for diagnosis and treatment.

    5. The appointment time would also be a nice inclusion.

    6. We also should be able to enter a fax number in the table as these are normally faxed and would be nice to just be able to fax them from within the system with that fax number included in the referral.