Please remove the "ADM Information" pop-up box for IV fluids on pharmacist verification. Currently, to verify an order for a large IV fluid (ex. LR 1000mL bag), after clicking "Verify", the order will present on the "Additives" tab. When you try to click into "Order Detail" a "ADM Information" pop-up box shows how many are in the ADM. To move forward you have to click "OK." The order then reverts back to the "Additives" tab, and you have to click into the "Order Detail" tab again. This is a huge waste of time. It also interrupts the current ability to verify orders using keyboard-only navigation. You have to click through all of these steps to verify these types of orders. Can the ADM inventory be presented like non-IV meds (at the bottom of the "Order Detail" screen where it says "BAL=___"?