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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Already Exists
Created by Kylie Ritter
Created on Jun 20, 2023

Launch into applications from the Discharge Check List

This would ensure quality measures are being captures and the discharge is completely done prior to the patient leaving.

Being able to launch into the Medication Reconciliation, Patient Education Documents, Health Information Resource, for the CCD Summary, etc.

    Dec 13, 2023

    This functionality is available with the Discharge Checklist. From the patient chart in Location Maintenance, select Discharge Checklist, and then double-click on the incomplete component. This will launch you into the application where that component can be completed. For example, double-clicking Medication Reconciliation will launch you into the Medication Reconciliation application to complete the Med Rec. If you have any questions or issues on this process, please contact Evident Support by entering a situation in or by calling us at 800-711-2774, and we will be happy to assist!

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  • Sara Kress
    Dec 13, 2023

    It would be nice if it was tasklist that you did during your workflow to prep for Discharge. Not when the Unit Secretary is discharging the patient. It is too late then.