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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
111 VOTE
Status In Development
Categories Ancillary Vital Signs
Created by Cindi Gartman
Created on Jun 22, 2023

Add Percent of meal consumed under I&O Vital Signs

Rather than having to go to the Diet order in Order Chronology, it would be easier for staff to add the percent consumed from each meal as part of Intake & Output in Vital Signs. This would still need to pull to same reports and screens as it does now.

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  • Guest
    Mar 14, 2024

    Dear Trubridge,

    Are you actively engaging with these comments? Could we possibly receive a more comprehensive update on the status of these ideas? We're eagerly awaiting to see the direction you take with them. Despite hearing that Dream Factory is the optimal platform for our ideas, it appears that even some of the most well-received suggestions are not gaining traction. Several highly popular concepts have been languishing on Dream Factory for over a year without significant progress being evident to your customers. This stagnation is eroding our confidence and belief that our opinions and ideas hold weight.

    1 reply
  • Sabrina Wiles
    Mar 14, 2024

    It would be nice if the I&O card in console was actionable like the vs trend card to add diet percent consumed, oral, IV, PEG TUBE, or any other forms of intake and all forms of output right from the card and it flow to the flow chart when entered there.

  • Kathy McMillen
    Feb 14, 2024

    It would also be nice if there was a way this could pull over into the flow sheets when it is documented.

  • Kathy McMillen
    Feb 14, 2024

    Agree. The vital signs tab could really be a "one stop shop" where the CNA or whoever is documenting can enter all of their, wt, BGM, vs, nutrition, percent of meal eaten. It gets confusing when there are so many places to go to look for info. Percent of meals eaten is a requirement for swingbed patients and if we were audited, it would be nice to be able to pull up a trend like you can with VS and not have to look at each day individually for that.

  • Linda Pfeifle
    Jan 24, 2024

    Agree also that this needs to be documented under I&O as sometimes a dietary order is discontinued before the meal is charted and then it is just missed.

  • Sabrina Wiles
    Jan 18, 2024

    Additionally when a dietary supplement is ordered it currently replaces the diet order with regard to entering the percent consumed. This is a patient safety issue because we can not record accurate I&O. We need to be able to record the percent consumed on the diet and also record the amount consumed on the supplement. As it is now only one diet order can have the percent consumed button active on it and it is always the most recent order. This results in the actual diet order having the button deactivated when a supplement is ordered.

    1 reply
  • Lori Luciano
    Jul 28, 2023

    Or make a dietary PDC card

  • Heather Blair
    Jun 28, 2023

    While visiting Madison County Memorial Hospital for a Migration Optimization visit, nursing brought this to our attention saying there is an immediate need for this. This was functionality lost since previous EHR.

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