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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Ashley Tarasau
Created on Jun 28, 2023

Hard Stop for PMP History

We need the ability to have a hard stop to first check the PMP history when providers prescribe a controlled substance. This is a regulatory issue and providers are fined for non-compliance.

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  • Ashley Tarasau
    Dec 11, 2023

    At our practice we would prefer it to occur right before being able to process the prescription.

  • Lynne Backus
    Dec 10, 2023

    Preferably have the pop up before selecting the process button. If there was a section that if the PMP was entered in, they won't get the pop up. If there is nothing in that space then have the pop up. As this then won't give pop up fatigue if they are being compliant with checking the PMP.

  • Cheryl Hinman
    Dec 7, 2023
    When they enter the name of a controlled substance it should alert them to check PDMP. If they check it they should be Ble to enter multiple controlled substances in that session without being forced to check every time they enter a controlled substance name again. If they were to leave medication ordering then enter a controlled again later it should prompt them to check again
  • Lauren Williamson
    Dec 7, 2023

    In regards to workflow, at what point would you like for the user to be stopped? Is it before creating the controlled substance prescription or would you rather the user be stopped before selecting to process the prescription?