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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Already Exists
Created by Laura Colbert
Created on Jun 28, 2023

Tracking Board add nurse for custom roles

So our Clinic nurses using Tracking Board now. They are clicking on Chief Complaint on the tracking board, which takes them to Patient Location Maintenance. When they click on the magnifying glass to pick a nurse to assign, the clinic nurses are not in the pick list. The reason is because they are not in 1 of the 3 DEFAULT roles built by CPSI. They have their own unique clinic role because they are not hospital nurses. So we need the ability to have our custom user roles linked to the user list to further utilize the tracking board.

Per the situation center when I entered this sit: Good afternoon Laura, I spoke with my manager. This would require a design change so we are creatinga TIF (Enhancement Request) inhouse to make Development aware of the issue so this change can be considered. Could you please submit this request to Dream Factory also? Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thankyou!

Good morning Laura, I wanted to follow up with you on this issue. I have created Enhancement Request TIF-1750 to have Development consider making a change to the Nurse lookup field so that it can expand on the list of roles and users that pulls there. I apologize for the issues this is currently causing. If you haven't already, I would submit a Dream Factory request for this as well. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Laura

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  • Laura Colbert
    Nov 20, 2024

    Ok, I tweaked my custom role to an LPN "related role" title, and now it works. My apologies.

  • Laura Colbert
    Nov 20, 2024

    So I was just able to test this, and I do not feel that it is working. My clinic nurses still cannot be assigned to a patient, since it is not a role that TruBridge picked as eligible for assignment.

  • Laura Colbert
    Nov 20, 2024

    I am unable to test this as I don't have a good volume of patients in the one clinic that is using this currently. Can someone please test this for me? Did they actually do an enhancement request on this?

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