Request to update whiteboard person profile search and display to include standard patient identifiers clients use to identify correct patient. 2104 updates there are many clients that are having more staff including Nurses / HUCS temporary registering patients via Tracking Board in ED and on the floor. Search options and lack of information to verify patient are creating issues.
Current issues clients have been identifying.
Search Option facility standard is first by Patient's Date of Birth followed by Name, SSN#, Guarantor, MR#, etc.
Search Results do not include Medical Record#, SSN, Address, Phone, Last Visit Date, Emergency Contact and/or parent/guardian/guarantor information.
This needs to be a high priority. As stated, many clients now utilize the EDIS tracking board to "quick register" patients. Having only the ability to search for an existing patient by name often results in the creation of multiple profiles for the same patient because of name variations, nicknames, spelling errors, etc. Having the ability to search for the patient by DOB would greatly reduce the instances of creating duplicate profiles.
On the System Menu side, it would be nice to be able to set your default profile listing " Search By" to Birth Date instead of Patient Name.