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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Past Due Medications alert on Tracking Board or Console

Nurses would like an alert on the Tracking Board if a patient has a medication overdue, with a color as well

    Apr 1, 2024

    This dream factory idea is currently in its design and development phase. Our intent is to add a Past Due Medication notification to the Tracking Board which will direct the user to the MAR. We may reach out to some contributors for additional feedback as we get further along in the process.

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    • Admin
      Rashieka Coleman
      Apr 1, 2024

      This dream factory idea is currently in it's design and development phase. Our intent is to add a Past Due Medication notification to the Tracking Board which will direct the user to the MAR. We may reach out to some contributors for additional feedback as we get further along in the process.

    • Admin
      Stephanie St. Andrie
      Mar 15, 2024

      Past Due Medications alert would be a notification on the Tracking Board where the other notifications currently display. I see this past due medication notification as the back end of the medication administration workflow if the medication has not been given. The piece that would be part of a Nursing Task List would be a Medication due task. This is the front-end task that would allow a user to give the medication to the patient before it is past due. I have talked to the PO over the Tracking Board application and this issue is being reviewed. As I am the PO for Console, I can let you know that notifications are not being considered for inclusion in the Console at this time.

      As for the Nursing Task List, this is a project that includes many layers. We have started some of the preliminary work related to nursing orders needing structure. There are also other aspects of the project that are still being discussed and investigated.

    • Guest
      Mar 14, 2024

      Dear Trubridge,

      Are you actively engaging with these comments? Could we possibly receive a more comprehensive update on the status of these ideas? We're eagerly awaiting to see the direction you take with them. Despite hearing that Dream Factory is the optimal platform for our ideas, it appears that even some of the most well-received suggestions are not gaining traction. Several highly popular concepts have been languishing on Dream Factory for over a year without significant progress being evident to your customers. This stagnation is eroding our confidence and belief that our opinions and ideas hold weight.

      5 replies
    • Guest
      Jan 11, 2024

      This is a very much needed tool to prevent missed medications

    • Stephanie St. Andrie
      Dec 15, 2023

      We want to work on this is relation to a Nursing Task List. The task list will include medications and when they are due which we hope will decrease overdue medications. We will look at having a notification on the Tracking Board for any of the items that are overdue on the Task List.

    • Vincent Gore
      Dec 15, 2023

      This would be a great tracking tool for missed meds, patient safety, and shift handoff.

    • Denise Hammel
      Oct 19, 2023

      I have voted for it.

      Denise Hammel
      Clinical Informatics
      Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center
      1000 Rush Drive
      Salida, CO 81201
      Phone: (719) 530-2418
      [HRRMC logo-PMS724]

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    • Cindi Gartman
      Oct 19, 2023

      If not in Notifications on the Tracking Board...maybe a red badge on the MAR icon in the Navigation panel.

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