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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by sara downing
Created on Jul 6, 2023

Future Order undo release, send back to future

When a patient has future orders for labs, xray, other departments, sometimes the registration or nursing staff accidently release the wrong orders or all of them my mistake. We need a way to undo a release or send them back to pending. Its hard to have whomever made the mistake, chase down the provider who entered the order, and let them know what happened, and inform them they need to redo the orders again. Most of the time they don't play close enough attention and they do not realize they released ones outside of their department and do nothing. Then the patient doesn't have an order when they come in for procedures, and the registration staff send them away if they do not have an order to process. This delays patient care and upsets patients and providers.

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  • Sarah Blazier
    Aug 30, 2023

    It would be beneficial if nursing could also send back to future order queue. If canceled by nursing, it just disappears. It would be helpful if nursing had the ability to release and undo release from order chronology.

  • Sara Kress
    Jul 14, 2023

    The ancillary department can cancel the order and a question will prompt them if they want to return it to the Future order queue.