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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Notes
Created by Linda Pfeifle
Created on Jul 13, 2023

Would like a notes date filter that is like the filter in labs and vitals screen

Our providers like to have all visits checked in notes as they like to look back on some of the last notes when they are with a patient, but sometimes there are some patients who have a lot of notes and then it takes a long time for the notes to load. It would be nice if there would be a date filter like there is in the labs and vitals screen where you can choose a certain amount of visits or you can enter a date range. That feature is also sticky. That would be a great feature to have in notes.

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  • Sara Kress
    Jul 14, 2023

    I would add that it would be great to have a filter (and have it built in the Note Type table) to differentiate ancillary vs provider notes. Or Provider vs Non-provider filter. As Dietary, PT, OT, ST and others use Notes more, the list of Notes for a visit can become very lengthy. If a CAH has an account that goes to Swingbed it can include the H&P for each level of the stay; Progress notes in Observation, Inpatient, Swing; a Dietician note or two; and PT and OT daily notes.