As a small rural hospital our 3 OBS rooms are in the back of ER. Our ER nurses also monitor and care for the OBS patients. Having them visible and workable from the ER Tracking Board would be a tremendous help to the nurses. The Tracking board could have a section that is dedicated to the OBS patients. There has to be someway to combine this as I am sure there are other small rural hospitals that have the same issue.
Iris, Rooms for the EDIS Tracking Board can be created at Tables > Patient Intake. But, after further evaluating and testing this idea, do know that when the stay type is changed the patient will remain on the EDIS Tracking Board but, the EDIS Tracking Board's functionality dictates that ALL orders be 1X STAT and, that may not be ideal for an OBS patient. We appreciate your documenting the idea here and, your patience. Thank you!
Hi Iris, have you considered adding 3 "Virtual" OBS rooms to your ER tracking board?