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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Ashley Agnew
Created on Jul 25, 2023

Med Rec PDF button

Nursing would like to see a discharge med list that specifically states what home meds to continue, what home meds need to stop or were changed, what new meds were ordered without having to hand write whether to continue or d/c. If we could even just be able to have a PDF print button available on the med rec screen that could be helpful

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  • Christi Keating
    May 19, 2024

    This is very helpful to have while performing d/c instructions and pt's. Helps clarify confusion.

  • Sabrina Wiles
    Mar 14, 2024

    YES, YES, YES. Please do this. I agree with both Sara's below.

  • Sara Kress
    Aug 11, 2023

    I agree with Sara I. If there was a button to click to apply the Last Given and next due, that would save tremendous amounts of time. Also if the button had a refresh after it had been initially applied in case the patient was getting ready to be discharged and something prevented that from happening that day.

  • Sara Ignacio
    Jul 27, 2023

    I agree! It's preposterous how manual handwriting / typing the "last dose" administered and "next dose due" per medication. This is a time consuming and tedious back and forth process to jump from the "Prescription Entry" then to the "MAR" and back again, just to see when the last dose was administered (on the MAR), remember what you saw, write it on the "Prescription Entry" under "Last Given" and time when the next dose is due. Shouldn't there be an interface between the "MAR" and the "Prescription Entry" to automatically pull the "Last Given" date & time for those medications to be continued on discharge, as well as an automatic timing of the "Next Due" for the next dose based on the frequency of the medication?