customize the drop down options also need to add activity level to vital sign o2 sat required for patients authorization for home oxygen use
Would also like an easier way to put in multiple sets of Vital signs , like an add more option at the top
Addendum from Lori via e-mail:
Under Vital Signs We would like to have an activity option as it in required when authorizing Home Oxygen use.
The activities could start off as rest, sleeping, Ambulating.
We would also like to customize the O2 method dropdown to include CPAP BiPap APAP
ETCO2 should also be importable like BP, P and oximeter readings.
Would also like to customize the I&O dropdowns
ALSO allow dropdown options for the Oxygen source to be modified- Capnography (ETCO2) is standard of care and should be added to the dropdown choices instead of having to constantly free-text in under the "Other" option