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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories HIM
Created by Clarissa Calhoun
Created on Jul 29, 2023

Medical Records - Profile Docs - EFM - add documents to the Medical Record

Medical Records needs the ability to add documents in outside results, orders, and any outside PHI to the Medical Record. Also Medical Records needs the ability to transfer documents to a specific visit if needed.

Currently clients have to scan outside documents to a visit. Many scan on the last visit or they will wait to scan in on a new visit. Every facility is different with their policy and protocols when it comes to External PHI. Some are okay with scanning against the last visits other are not. However, clients need the ability to assign document to MR.

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  • Guest
    Feb 28, 2024

    There's a function in which we can move a document that has been scanned into a person's chart, however, how about a copy function? Multiple departments could easily copy the document and place it in the desired place in the patient's chart. Prior auth, medical records, ancillary departments, etc.