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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status In Development
Categories Thrive Web Client
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 10, 2023

Ability for Users to Change the Color Scheme in Web Client

Some of our users need more than just large font they also need better color delineation. When in TWC, if you go to click on something on the left while in a patient chart ie Problem List it would be nice if the color was more than a pale gray, I have doctors complaining about how they can't see this well.

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  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2024

    Clinical has just started using TWC at our site. Most common suggestion is to make it more easier on the eyes, users are stating that TWC is a bit "too light" and would like "more contrast" throughout the system.

  • Stephanie St. Andrie
    Nov 8, 2023

    Please review the proposed solution for issue reported. We have darkened the grey color of what the mouse is hovering on as well as bolded the font. We have also bolded the font of the currently selected screen.

  • Stephanie St. Andrie
    Oct 26, 2023

    The team is looking to what we can do to make it more apparent what application is in focus as well as which application is being hovered on by the mouse.

  • Israel Alacio
    Oct 4, 2023

    in some computer is so hard to view the color in TWC specially is the monitor is small or resolution low, so is important for user to be able to identified what are they lookin at, as an example we have a VS data that is been push by an interface, when nursing goes to try to transfer VS, they are not able to diferencie wich VS they choos because of the color.

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