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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Notes
Created by Angela Plummer
Created on Aug 14, 2023

Notes tables

In Notes tables you cannot use tab or the up/down arrows to move to the next column or to the upper/lower column, you can only mouse click to the next column and for most this is not a smooth workflow

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  • Cole Romero
    Oct 4, 2023

    Yes, we are trying to build templates for our OB clinic department and these tables are not user-friendly. We have delayed moving them out of Clindoc for a long time due to this as they use many tables. I know Notes was originally designed to be a dictation program but having the option to have text boxes or radio buttons you can select in these tables would also be very helpful. Currently, you have to put an asterisk or some other special character to select a table option instead of being able to click. Also, there is no way to stop these table cells from expanding as you type. Please update!