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Status Open for Comment
Categories Documentation HIM Notes
Created by Jennifer Brockhaus
Created on Jun 7, 2022

Ability to lock Documentation for behavior health and psychology patients

Locking of Documentation. There needs to be a way in CPSI to lock documentation for Behavior Health/Psychology patients. At BMH we have both services and currently using paper for documentation due to they need to be more secure than what CPSI currently is offering.

A thought process I have for this, if we can lock down Notes based on Note Type, and it's controlled by Role Base Security, then we can move these departments to using CPSI fully. The piece that needs to be secure is the Documentation piece.

We would need to make sure if this goes to Clinical History it's locked down there also, currently if a patient is marked Confidential, their documentation still goes to Clinical History and can be viewed by anyone. Along with Print EMR needs to be secure. At our facility providers so often check the box in Notes to see previous stay notes and don't go to Clinical History to read these notes because one less click. So think this would be efficient not sending it to Clinical History.

I have visited with our HIM department if we can eliminate a Note with the Note type marked as secure, it doesn't go to Clinical History and it wouldn't need to go to Print EMR either. They could put the process in place that Behavior Health/Psychology patients they would have to go to Notes Section to print off the necessary documentation if needed. HIM feels an extra step on their part would help re assure that they are to do another check before just sending documentation out the door that shouldn't go.

This extra security would help BMH and other facilities to offer more services and keep documentation secure.

Jennifer Brockhaus

Interim Executive IT Director

Boone Memorial Hospital

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  • Kenneth Langworthy
    Feb 28, 2025

    Hello - Will someone give us an update on this as the NCC. If not, will someone please publish the road map that this project is on the TruLearn or wherever. Seeing it one a roadmap will give me confidence and knowledge of where this one sits in the hopper. This is a very serious request.

  • Herman Matias
    Nov 19, 2024

    Hi, this request is must. It should not be even in the Dream Factory. It should have been part of the system. We need to have an ability to lock a chart for a variety of reasons. Thank you.

  • Sean Hicks
    Aug 15, 2024

    Carlinville has been approached by a behavioral health physician that agreed to start seeing patients in our ER as well as consults for our med/surg unit. If we only had a note type that we could lock down, it would be helpful. There just isn't a good way to isolate the documentation and we don't have the time to continuously audit these patients accounts.

  • Janna Sartin
    May 9, 2024

    Confidential patient capacity is needed for different kinds of visits also. Maybe if a patient is marked confidential it only shows the word confidential by the room number like on whiteboard and tracking board. When you click to go in have to enter the visit number to get into the chart. That would real time limit to caregivers as only they would bother to get that information.

  • Kenneth Langworthy
    Feb 21, 2024

    We really need this. We have an entire clinic devoted to drug and alcohol abuse. We can't have paper charts lying around. We need to have the information in the system, secure, and locked down.

    Thank you.

  • Kenneth Langworthy
    Dec 6, 2023

    This remains an issue at Boone Memorial. I confirmed this with a visit to the NP who handles employee health/wellness. There is a paper system of documentation for employee wellness, behavior health patients, sexual assault patients, addiction patients, etc. This paper system causes work flow interruptions. Normal electronic working processes are suspended. They user fills out the papers. Then there is the the matter of securing the physical documents. And also storing blank forms used.

    Potential Resolution:

    A setting on the document to secure it. Document meaning a NOTE, eForm, flowchart, image title, etc.

    A behavior control to grant access to the document for review. Call it - View Protected Document/Data.

    Points to consider:

    What do to with protected data if the data is discreet.

    A system that places all the protected data into an area (database table) where it will not populate other forms of documentation. Data from a protected flowchart/eForm will not pass from a protected flowchart to an unprotected flowchart.


    If data is entered into an 'unprotected' eFrom/flowchart, the data is stored in multi_app_documentation.

    If data is entered into an 'protected' eFrom/flowchart, the data is stored in multi_app_documentation_secure.

    If data is non-discreet, you don't see it unless you have proper security.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2023

    Along these lines if the mental health documents come from an outside entity there should be an ability to scan them in the system with privacy/security settings based on the image title. Maybe a passcode only providers who need to read the note are given.

    1 reply
  • Carol Bart-Elliott
    Jul 12, 2023

    I just created a prison department and there is no way to lock down the department. its like a free for all. There is a need for increased security, staff should not be able to see everyone everywhere. no security even for the internal client

  • Laura Colbert
    Jan 6, 2023

    We maintain paper charts on our sexual assault victims and emloyee health since there is not lockdown option. Our mental health utlizes another EMR for those patients security.

  • Dolly Chamness
    Oct 14, 2022

    its only federal law for some psych treatment. i have had several tickets over the years. answer was mark it confidential. every single nurse doc and reg can see it still

  • Van Sims
    Jul 13, 2022

    As a CSM, I have had this request from multiple clients. Many are treating mental health, drug addiction, and sexual assault victims and these require that any documentation regarding those incidents be locked down to only a select few clinical employees.