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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Tracie Bastien
Created on Aug 15, 2023

emergency contact-if entered in TWC Demographic on visit, update the card in Console

To go the suggested route for a nurse to update the patient's emergency contact in CPSI would take 22 clicks and put the clinical user in system menu/registration screens. When the demographics field in TWC is in the same clinical area as the flowchart option, vital signs, MAR, etc. It takes 12 clicks to add the emergency contact through the demographics field in TWC. It should update the console demographics specialty card when entered via the TWC and not just through system menu. It is the nurse updating the contact info, it is the nurse calling the contact, and it is the clinical information the nurse needs to share with the contact.

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  • Mary Ruckart
    Oct 11, 2023

    Thanks so much for your feedback.

  • Tracie Bastien
    Oct 11, 2023

    Yes- probably, if the EC is entered per visit on screens accessible and within the same location as the other nursing screens in TWC- because the nurse is the one to change it if needed.

  • Mary Ruckart
    Oct 11, 2023

    Currently, the Emergency Contact in the demographics card in PDC pulls from the Profile which you are correct nurses do not have easy access to change from Demographics in the web client. Would the workflow be better if it pulled the EC from the visit over pulling the EC from the profile? Would there ever be a time you would prefer the profile EC over visit EC?