If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
I would like to be able to see comparative images for EKG/Rad etc. Please see Example below. EX Acct 12345 with DOS in Sept and Acct 67890 in Oct. Patient has EKG in both visits. Currently I can only view the sept ekg if I go into the 12345 acct. ...
Add prompt pay discount to personapay payment portal
Our facility offers a prompt pay discount to our patients but our payment portal does not offer the discount so patients have to call or come in to get the discount. Revspring has this feature built-in but Evident is not sending the 1st statement ...
Create a charge entry screen clients can apply discounts to patient's account Add or Modify Cycle Code, Collect Code, and/or Bill Switch Display Projected New AR / Bad Debt Balance Create Post Button (top) - Launch users into Review Work Areas Pos...
Get rid of any pop up boxes that are not necessary...that are only telling us that something completed. We only need to be alerted if something DIDN'T work. Having to touch the mouse during data entry to close a box is not ideal. (thinking of the ...
Add a physician name column to the accounts on profile listing so you don't have to go into each account to find which provider saw the patient that day.
FAX LOG , indefinite fax logging NOT 21 days windows - truncated
The max fax history logs need to be stored indefinitely or at least out a year , we run into issues with report distribution that we cannot track down because we can't go back far enough in the fax logs. There have been needs to show evidence of r...
over 2 years ago
in Ancillary / HIM
Already Exists
Create a Launch team that goes to the site to help correctly train and work out issues in registration for two weeks
One of the biggest issues I have seen between sites and CPSI team are issues with registration and proper verifications. The success and failure of a facility starts with registration and accurately getting patient information. A team (one or two ...
AMY Henderson
over 2 years ago
in Registration
Product Owner Review