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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 2055

Report for telephone, verbal, and CPOE orders

We need a report for telephone, verbal, and CPOE orders because we need to be able to track it for survey requirements and also throughout the monthly
Alisha Herrmann 10 months ago in Order Management 3

Ability to edit Notes header

I would like the ability to change or edit the Notes Header. And now that we are using Notes for most types of physician documentation it would be beneficial to be able to edit the header by department the patient was seen in, Ex: ED, Inpatient, B...
Brad Legnon about 2 years ago in Notes 2 Product Owner Review

Allow staff to change conversions when submitting reqs

When employees are attempting to place a requisition, they are unable to covert from EA to BX. I understand that this aids in the reduction of overstocking, however, the end result is that requisitions are being placed with a 1 EA request when the...
Candace Hampton 8 months ago in Materials Management 2 Already Exists

Add a way to filter out service code/stay type in the provider's esign folder.

Midlevels need to have 100% of their inpatient and swing bed charts signed. It would be nice if they could filter out those by stay type/service code in the esign folder so the midlevels could send those to the correct cosigner and then mark the o...
Linda Pfeifle 3 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0


I entered a ticket ( 10176267) this morning needing assistance with reporting. I need the modifiers to be added to the AR detail by ins billed date. I have tried to run the Coding with Item Detail but we can't run this by bill date. I need either ...
Guest 3 months ago in AR | Revenue Cycle 0

Open the Dream Factory up to CPSI front line support staff

I am sure that the front line CPSI staff receive lots of repeated feedback from customers. I would love to see them given access to the Dream factory and for them to be ENCOURAGED to share that feedback and ideas in this forum and allow them to vo...
Kim M Carr 3 months ago in Dream Factory 2

Profile & Account - create a way to better manage test patients.

Numerous customers have requested a more efficient way to manage, and clean up test profile and accounts Create a test person checkbox within person profile and account. On the Profile if it is marked as test, user selects create new visit. System...
Clarissa Calhoun over 1 year ago in TruBridge EHR - Financial 0 Product Owner Review

Ability to send Chart Communications to multiple users

Currently you can only send chart communication to 1 user, providers and clinicians are requesting to be able to select multiple users to send a communication to. This would improve communication between providers/users and be a time saver as well.
Norberta Hammer 6 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0

CPSIQ needs to have dates attached to them

When searching a topic in CPSIQ sometimes the same video title comes up several times. It would be helpful if there was a date published attached to it so you would know you are watching the most recent one. It would also be helpful to have a date...
Jeanette Adams over 2 years ago in TruLearn 3 Product Owner Review

Less clicking for MSP questions

The MSP questions are kind of an after thought with in Evident and very tedious
DeeAnn Wells 9 months ago in Registration 0