If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
Make the Notes application communicate with the ER Log so that Providers can just document times that flow to the ER Log
Make a Notes filter for Seen By Provider time, decision to admit or obs times, time of disposition ect. in Notes application and make it automatically send those times to the ER Log. Also make an alert appear if the seen by provider time entered i...
Sabrina Wiles
almost 2 years ago
in Notes / Registration
Future Development
Nursing staff need a Launch point in the CW5 screens for Interqual. Currently this has to be accessed by going into system menu then following a long path through the UR application to get to the Interqual Launch button. I suggest moving/adding th...
Ability to pull all Social History sections to Notes
Currently, the Notes filter for "Social History" only includes smoking status. "Substance Use, Exercise, Travel, Sexual History, etc." should also be available as filters.
Rodney Teribury
almost 2 years ago
in Notes
Future Development
Providers would like to have a consistent way of knowing what a clients preferred name is. Can this be added to the demographics entry pages and display on the demographics bar?
During Med Rec, when a patient is taking no home medications, we choose No Home Meds, our Notes templates have the filter for Home Med List, when the filter pulls it will say No Home Medications Available. When a patient truly takes no home meds, ...
Default to full screen view when opening a document in Clinical History
Currently, double clicking a document in Clinical History opens it in a second pane with a split screen window view. It is difficult to review documentation that way. In order to get the full screen, a user has to check the box to the left of the ...
Kelsey Drouhard
about 1 year ago
in Clinical History
Future Development
Need a way to send out manually an appointment reminder with a confirmation link. We have had several patients forget their appointment times and will call the facility, would be nice if we could re-push the reminder to them with the information a...
Tara Elliott
3 months ago
in Patient Connect
Future Development
Entering data into the health history application is a bit time-consuming. If there were a way to input social history directly into the console, which would subsequently update the health history module, it would make the process a bit more easier