I would like to suggest a couple new recordings and user guides be added to CPSIQ for Web Client processes.
Initial Login for Nursing Staff (Best Practices/Preferred Methods)
This would include how to login, how to save shortcut, how to "Pin" the drawer and notify that clearing cache will require this to be done again, How to pick your patient search options (tracking board vs whiteboard vs search by name vs search by nursing....etc. and WHERE search by number went to - the magnifier) How to pick a tracking board, how to pick a console board, how to see when new orders are available to verify, e-forms and flowcharts availability in application drawer, how to dismiss from location maintenance, etc.
2. Initial Login for Providers (Best Practices/Preferred Methods)
This would include how to login, how to save shortcut, how to "Pin" the drawer and notify that clearing cache will require this to be done again, How to pick your patient search options (tracking board vs whiteboard vs search by name vs search by nursing....etc. and WHERE search by number went to - the magnifier) How to go to TASKS to see both the phone/verbal orders needing signed AND the notes needing signed, etc. How to pick a tracking board, how to pick a console board