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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal


Showing 21 of 2026

There should be cheat sheets for all general processes in Thrive/TruBridge EHR.

We can find videos for some general processes but not actual PDF cheat sheets. We don't always have time to watch a video and like to have cheat sheets for reference for nurses, registration staff, billers, etc. These cheat sheets could be in TruL...
Linda Pfeifle 22 minutes ago in TruLearn 0

Make Trulearn update/educational videos easily shareable

Can we please have an option to easily share update/educational recordings directly from trulearn via a "share" icon similar to what you see with social media or shopping links? I would really like to be able to easily attach/export these videos t...
Cole Romero 2 months ago in TruLearn 2

TruLearn Updated Courses

I think TruLearn is a great resource to use for training purposes, however a lot of the role based courses are still using TUX. We need new courses that set a standardized workflow of how each role should perform their duties based in WebClient. E...
Caitlin Strapp 8 months ago in TruLearn 1 In Development

Schedule TruBridge Briefings and Quarterly Connects in advance and send link to upcoming in ALL TruBridge ACCESS Communications

I would like for the TruBridge briefings and quarterly connects to be available to enroll in more in advance. It seems like by the time I log into TruLearn to check or get the info in an ACCESS (If it even makes it in there), I already have someth...
Kelsey Drouhard 25 days ago in TruLearn 0

Improve Naming, Sorting and Searching of TruLearn Documents

TruLearn is becoming less useful and more cumbersome by the day. For example, today I was going to add Code Status to my tracking board columns, but could not remember where to modify the dept level boards. As I was trying to be self sufficient, I...
Kelsey Drouhard 7 months ago in TruLearn 5 In Development

Communicate within your own company about New things and when things don't function

I definitely think there is a breakdown in communication within your own company in regards to new things that are added and things that don't function. Just today I was looking through a user guide from TruLearn that was updated just yesterday to...
Cassi Loutzenhiser 7 months ago in TruLearn 1 Already Exists

Bring back "At A Glace" User Guides Please!

Please bring back the "At A Glance" one page user guides for various topics. These were SO HELPFUL to give to users who don't have the time/patience/etc. to read through a large instructional document and they were a really big time saver for thos...
Kelsey Drouhard over 1 year ago in TruLearn 2 Open for Comment

TruLearn linked directly to WebClient

It would be great if users could sign into WebClient & one of the applications in the application drawer was TruLearn instead of having to click on help then cpsiQ. Then they could click the TruLearn Application and go directly to their TruLea...
Caitlin Strapp 10 months ago in TruLearn 3 In Development

CPSIQ needs to have dates attached to them

When searching a topic in CPSIQ sometimes the same video title comes up several times. It would be helpful if there was a date published attached to it so you would know you are watching the most recent one. It would also be helpful to have a date...
Jeanette Adams about 2 years ago in TruLearn 3 Product Owner Review

Create a group of training videos and share to all team members.

It would make it much more efficient if we could create our own groups of training videos and be able to assign the entire group to a team member. This would help with onboarding new employees as we could create custom groups of training materials...
Guest 8 months ago in TruLearn 0