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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Ready to Ship
Categories Thrive Web Client
Created by Kelsey Drouhard
Created on Nov 1, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DFE-I-812 SEARCH BY ACCOUNT NUMBER OPTIONS IN WEB CLIENT THAT IS NOT WHITE BOARD.

Please add "Search by Number" as an option in the Home and Charts drawer Merged

I do realize that you can click "Whiteboard List", type the number into the blank box, and hit enter OR you can click the new little magnifier in the top right and open the whiteboard search that way too. Neither of these processes are obvious or intuitive. We do not use the whiteboard much here as we prefer the interactive use of the tracking board view and the more specific department or search options. Please program a more obvious option for "Search by Number" option. Thanks for the consideration.