We have several users that search by patient by account number, such as HIM, financial, audits. These are NON CLINICAL users, and our facility really feels that non-patient care users do not need Whiteboard. Non patient care does not need a current list of patients. So as we remove access to the Whiteboard, these users only have the option to pull a patient by name only. Please make the other options available to non Whiteboard users to find patient, or allow us to lock down the Whiteboard to a search only, not a current list of patients. Laura
We also have removed the ability for staff to access the whiteboard list, search by nursing.
A search option within webclient by account number where this is not connected to the whiteboard list would be helpful!
Dear Guest,
So we have denied Whiteboard to non patient care users. This magnifying glass is just another means of pulling up Whiteboard. Therefore, if they don't have access to Whiteboard, the magnifying glass doesn't work for them, and they still cannot search by patient number. I was so excited when I saw your comment, I thought it would fix our issue. But unfortunately, it did not. Thank you so much for your input!! And now I know what that magnifying glass is for!
They moved the ability to search by account # to the magnifying glass in the upper right hand side next to the home button. It's not intuitive since all the other search options are on the left hand side, but it will allow them to search without the whiteboard.