Honestly, if you want to do one thing that affects everyone of my clinic providers and staff on a daily basis, please consider these improvements for chart communication to speed it up:
add a date range so that it doesn't load back forever. We need to speed it up.
Add the ability to print an individual communication in total - all the previous and next comments if not in one display
Need the ability to print all communications in total from a period of time for release of information. We are currently releasing for a subpoena and have to release 5 years worth - it is painful.
I agree with other ideas that have been suggested in DF - such as the ability to mark a communication urgent which should bring it to the top of the department notification list or other home screen folder.
Put some sort features in the home screen folders so that we can sort by provider - we use dept notifications to allow any staff working with the provider to work the communications. If there was a place to not only put recipient but provider then it could sort by that field.
I'm sure there is much more but as I sit here at 1820 at night trying to produce communications this is the time i have in between the list reloading to put this DF idea in.