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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

require entered allergies before Rx entry can be performed

Please develop a functionality that will require allergies to be addressed before a provider can enter prescriptions. If no allergies are entered, there is nothing to trigger clinical monitoring to require an override reason.

I never thought about it because usually allergies are verified upon first contact, in this particular case they were not and the physician was able to send scripts. Our pharmacist caught it.

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    • Admin
      Sheila Farley
      Mar 21, 2024

      I would like to get some additional feedback on this workflow - in order entry the user is prevented from going forward with no allergies documented- the discussion we have had around prescription is that the system would not prevent a prescription from being sent, however it would require a reason be documented for override and not addressing allergies prior to submitting a prescription. In addition, since this workflow could also be used to input home medications where you would not be submitting actual prescriptions, the override could be presented and required as soon as the workflow is being started like it is in order entry or not required until the user is selecting to create a new prescription to be filled -