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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Josh Fain
Created on Jul 19, 2022

Ability to Post Partial Payments in Thrive - TIF-4

This is a request we receive from multiple sites. They would like to have the ability to post partial payments. Currently when sites post a payment to a claim, the claim shows as Paid or Rejected and sites have to setup another claim and force to the billed status so that this does not fall into Private Pay. This is very cumbersome for sites.

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  • Clarissa Calhoun
    Jul 12, 2023

    Clients asked to be able to log an reason code and/or pull reason code off EOB. Add to the insurance tickler and the billed but unpaid to status and reason code for follow-up.

  • Josh Fain
    Mar 28, 2023

    I am at