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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Already Exists
Categories Thrive Web Client
Created by Abbey Eskridge
Created on Jul 21, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DFE-I-256 Complete and commit to a fully functional / full version overhaul. .

Remove the need for desktop icon if you want web client buy in Merged

Remove the need to keep the desktop icon of Evident on PCs to assist with users logging into Web Client. If a user has never logged into Evident before on a PC they must log into the desktop version at least one time to have to option of the runner. If we could eliminate the need to keep that on our PCs, all of our staff would be forced into the Web Client. We added another Evident icon for Web Client, but muscle memory is strong and it is difficult to get people to remember to use the "new" way when the old way is still accessible. I understand the software still needs to be on the computer, but we would like it not to be at the top level.

    Dec 14, 2023

    The Thrive/Thrive UX desktop application only needs to be installed on devices for users whose full workflow has not yet been elevated to Web Client System Menu. At this time, this would include roles such as HIM/Registration, Ancillary, and System Administrators. Having the desktop application installed on the device allows these users to launch Thrive UX when selecting System Menu from Web Client. While we do not recommend completely uninstalling the application from the device for these users, many facilities have found that removing the desktop shortcut and replacing it with the shortcut for Web Client has helped to encourage users to log in through Web Client. For providers, nursing, and pharmacy staff, their full workflow is available within Web Client so there is no need for these users to still have the desktop application installed on their device. Providers and nursing can complete their workflow without accessing System Menu, and pharmacy staff would just need the Web Client System Menu behavior control to remain in Web Client when selecting System Menu. I hope this is helpful, but please contact Evident Support if you have further questions by entering a situation in or calling us at 800-711-2774, and we will be happy to assist!

  • Tracie Bastien
    Nov 9, 2022

    Our providers just asked me why the clientware desktop icon still had to be was a tough explanation and they looked at me like I was crazy.

  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Jul 21, 2022

    I agree, this would be especially helpful in cases of workers who are solely remote.