Please commit to one fully functional version / GUI. Between CW4/5, UX , Care portal , chartlink , Virtual chart and now Web UI NONE of these are standalone fully functions they ALL have underpinnings of each other - We don't need more ways to do things , each time these half baked redesigns go in to production , they add to complexity at our facility because we are unable to adopt them entirely or move away from any of the others for one reason or another. if trying to go web based , don't make it call back to the local installed apps is self defeating.
This quote was copied from the admin response on DFE-I-169 that was merged with this idea:
"The Thrive/Thrive UX desktop application only needs to be installed on devices for users whose full workflow has not yet been elevated to Web Client System Menu. At this time, this would include roles such as HIM/Registration, Ancillary, and System Administrators. " I need Evident to know that, if they want any sort of full adoption with COMMUNICATION CENTER, they either have to get the users mentioned in the departments above FULLY ON THE TWC, or CREATE A POP-UP ALERT for COMMUNICATION CENTER for the users still on TUX, that would only use TWC to log in with (as Evident recommends for these departments not fully integrated in TWC). I say this because MULTIPLE items in the SAFER Guide Clinical assessment CLINICAL COMMUNICATION directly points to the Communication Center's capabilities, which would be fantastic, if all users in the hospital setting could actually be alerted there are messages, faxes, texts for them while working in TUX. As it stands right now, because of the lack of a fully integrated, fully functional, singular platform, using COMMUNICATION CENTER IS THE OPPOSITE OF SAFE CLINICAL PRACTICES. This is a great example of why improvements that are rolled out as separate platforms are not improvements but interruptions in workflow and difficult to adopt. I have been waiting for the fully functional version of TWC to be available before I roll out Communication's been 2 years.
Thrive Web Client is still not working well for all sites, The software is still very dependent on the CW Runner. Evident needs to remove the CW Runner dependency.
If you take away the launch points on each hart tab on the Virtual Chart, when a nurse goes to SM, there is nothing to access.
We could look at making a change that allows sites to turn off the System Menu option in the application drawer. Maybe by role so nursing would be forced to stay in Web Client but others that still needed to go between platforms could do so until we eliminate the need?
Nurses and other clinical people are creatures of habit. The clinical workflow redesigns are truly more efficient with fewer clicks to access necessary screens, but as long as users can still access POC Whiteboard and Virtual Chart, they'll continue to do so...even if they're using TWC. I agree that designing a product which still depends on older program options and needs "Thrive Helper" is self defeating and adds to the complexity rather than improving efficiency.
You can keep nurses from going to SM is to remove launch points on the virtual chart-neuter the VC.
The nurses on med/surg are using Web Portal and are going to System Menu >Whiteboard with their patients. The other path to patients on med/surg is through CHARTS>Tracking Board>MedSurg. Which path is the standard for nurses to use in Thrive Web Portal?
Yes, It is a major drawback for adoption. Every time a patch is installed something has been affected negatively causing the need to instruct end users to "just use the old one for that part" This is crippling adoption. at this point the only way end users are going to get onboard is if they are automatically directed from the TUX icon to TWC without the option to stay in or go back to TUX.
Agree 1000% way to many areas..has IT trying to learn and implement all areas, and difficult to troubleshoot issues too bc you don't always know what path they are taking..the end user doesn't know the difference in Thrive, TUX, TWC..goodness!
It has been very difficult to get nurses to adopt TUX navigation when they still have to go to System Menu to chart; so, they go to SM all the time. Piece meal is a killer for adopting a process.