Adding a staff communication card that is free to type in that is NOT part of the patient chart is much needed. It existed in Thrive but not on WebClient. This way nurses can easily communicate "Cardiology Consult on 6/4" or "Daughter coming tomorrow to speak to Case Management." This way, if it is forgotten to be told in report, there is still a way for the next nurse to know the info.
The comments are currently available from The Tracking Board and from right navigation panel. The Comments option in the right navigation panel is visible at all times when in a patient's chart and we now include a badge that notes the number of active comments that exist. Adding yet another comments card to Console would not a be a priority over other Console changes that are needed more.
The Comments option was designed specifically to replace and enhance the Staff Communication feature from the Virtual Chart. It is available as a column on Tracking Boards and available from the right side panel inside the patient's chart. It is not part of the patient record but includes an option for archiving to show a history and can be pinned to pull forward for subsequent visits.