Need to have a way (Patient Connect) for patient's to complete an intake on their past medical, family, social history, medications and allergies that can be reconcilled by staff to incorporate into chart. This will significantly decrease intake times and is readily available with other vendors.
they need to be able to add or update Emergency contact too
100% agree.
Plus have the form customizable enough to add a phone number to call should the patient have questions. Not just one blanket form. Something that could be used differently for different locations. EX: Different numbers per clinic or location like the affirmation, confirmation, and reminder messages are setup. A form for podiatry and different setup forms for say ob/gyn, ortho, gastro, whatever specialty needs one.
Should also include full legal name, mailing address, cell number, email address, employer information plus employer phone number, and patient pharmacy and phone number. All this data including the original clinical data needs to be ingested into the EHR.
Since asking: include the ability to upload drivers license, insurance cards, and whatever else the patient can send in prior to the appointment.
Thank you.