There should be a way to add something to a profile in the system menu side or on the web side that would show up in the ID panel on the web side. Sometimes there are important pieces of information that need to be related about the patient that is a constant such as a specific person being notified for all things, taking blood pressure on a certain arm, etc. These would be things that should be on a patient's chart and be easily visible to the people who need to see them such as nurses, providers, etc. This is very important and should be added in some way.
I know the ID panel isn't the answer for everything, but I do understand why there's a need for some things to be shown in the panel from visit to visit. Specifically warnings for staff regarding infectious organisms that place patients in isolation precautions for life, such as CPO Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms, which is highly contagious and carbapenum resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB). These are 2 organisms recognized as urgent health threats by the CDC and could be added to the list of MDRO's that already exists in the ID Panel. If organisms are considered potentially urgent public health risk, then having isolation precautions added at the profile level to cross all accounts should be an option.
The Demographic Panel cannot be a catch-all for all things. If there are specific things needed from the ID Panel that do not make sense elsewhere, we would be happy to consider those items. We currently have the Comments option available on the Tracking Board as well as the Right Side navigation bar once a patient is selected to enter/view important information specific to the patient. These Comments can be pinned to pull to each subsequent visit which would be great for 'taking blood pressure on a certain arm, etc'. We are working on adding an indicator to the Comments icon in the Right Side navigation bar so it's easier for an end user to see if comments exist.