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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Open for Comment
Categories Demographics Panel
Created by Emily Darden
Created on Sep 25, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DFE-I-1903 Need important pieces of patient information to be persistent and easily visible on the patient chart..

ID Panel customizable patient note or comment field Merged

  1. Function to customize note or comment field on patient's ID PANEL that carries from visit to visit. (inpatient, O/P, and clinic)

  2. Customizable alert pop up box on clinical side of patient's profile/account that carries from visit to visit.

    example: system menu> patient accounting> profile listing>search patient's name>accounts receivable person profile generates> Contact/Billing Info(tab)>bottom of screen, under miscellaneous information> Patient Note: add patient comment here.